Jfk declassified the new files
Jfk declassified the new files

The final release would’ve happened under the administration of President Donald Trump, who did authorize the release of nearly 3,000 records. Interestingly, a report from the Assassination Records Review Board at the time partially credited the popularity of Oliver Stone’s film JFK and the subsequent public interest in the case for motivating the passage of this law.Īccording to that statute, the records should have been completely public by Oct. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act, signed in 1992, declared that the National Archives would be required to release all documents related to the investigation of JFK’s death within the next 25 years.

jfk declassified the new files

To answer that question, we need to take a brief step back. Though they contained a few new details about Oswald’s dealings with Cuba and the Soviet Union, none of the information was particularly notable - and in many cases, the “new” documents were duplicates of content that had previously been released.

jfk declassified the new files

(You can see those for yourself right here.) Unfortunately, they were received as mostly unremarkable. The most recent release of JFK-related records happened last December, when nearly 1,500 documents were declassified by the National Archives. So in the grand scheme of things, this unreleased batch represents a small percentage of what’s available, but some researchers say they could contain some of the juiciest material in the collection.

#Jfk declassified the new files archive#

That’s a high number, especially considering it’s been nearly 60 years since the event in question, but the entire archive of JFK assassination records amounts to more than 5 million pages, including documents, photographs, videos, audio recordings, and more. How many documents from the JFK investigation still haven’t been released?Ībout 16,000 records have never been made public.

jfk declassified the new files

Here’s the scoop on this latest tussle over the investigation and what could be lurking in these unreleased records. Marine veteran Lee Harvey Oswald is the one who fired off the shot that killed the president, conspiracy theories about whether he acted alone and who else may have been involved have captured the national imagination for decades. JFK’s untimely death was one of the defining events of the 20th century, and it’s served as the inspiration for innumerable books, films, and television shows. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, but there are still thousands of records related to his murder than haven’t seen the light of day - and now, a lawsuit against the government is demanding their immediate release. This November marks 59 years since John F.

Jfk declassified the new files