Oxenfree breaking the loop
Oxenfree breaking the loop

oxenfree breaking the loop

Can't wait to play through some other routes, but I think I'll save that for Halloween. Lets kick off proceedings with an indie game that breaks the mold in so many. It has a very unique art style, great story, and solid. It would be interesting to see how Alex and co would be like if they truly are integrated into the radio people. Oxenfree is a 'supernatural thriller' adventure game about a group of friends uncovering the secrets and mysteries of a small island town. The nuclear reactor in the submarine sent the victims in the ship to another dimension/plane/whatever, where they kind of amalgamated into a single consciousness? And they're stuck reliving time over and over again, so they infect victims to try and get the life they wanted? And because they took over their bodies, that's why they're stuck in the final time loop of repeating the trip over, and over, and over again? I could easily be wrong, but that's the jist of things I kind-of "figured out".Įither way, I'd love to see more in this franchise, especially with Edwards Island.

oxenfree breaking the loop

Whilst I didn't search for all of Maggie Adler's messages, I. It was really intriguing! I loved the way they tied the island's history into everything, and how the radio works as a key to almost every central plot moment. The story is the big draw for me, though. Texas tenants who fail to provide notice will likely have to pay a penalty or face legal consequences. Dialogue itself is fairly good, as in "I can see this being a real conversation between two people" good. While there are no statutes for breaking a quarterly or yearly lease, its considered appropriate for tenants to provide at least 30 days of notice. Their 2D setup ensures that you’re always at least somewhat divorced from the action. A side-scrolling platformer with spooky inclinations is far from unheard of, but they’re rarely all that terrifying. Great! The cast isn't filled with the usuals like Troy Baker or Laura Bailey, but that doesn't stop it from sounding great. It truly felt as if The Sunken’s hold on Alex was strengthening, pulling her and perhaps her friends deeper into this endless cycle. I'm someone who considers themself to have decently high standards for English voice acting, so I'm glad to see that Oxenfree's voice acting was.

oxenfree breaking the loop

One of the biggest things, though - was the voice acting. That was a nice change of pace for a "horror" (lite) game. I really liked the concept of a game that dealt with the supernatural and didn't once have to introduce some kind of virus or zombie into it. Rather short at ~4 hours, but it was fun.

Oxenfree breaking the loop